For us here in Florida, a little tropical storm is usually nothing I would bat an eye at. After going through all 4 hurricanes in 2004 with a new born baby, I feel like I can handle anything a tropical storm can throw at me. However, Fay is deemed to be a nightmare! As I sit here typing this post I am watching the national news reporting from the very town that I reside. "X" marks the spot of my home town which is on a barrier island along the coast of Melbourne. Here in Melbourne Beach, we received 16 inches of rain in 36 hours. Aparently it is what we would normally receive in 6 months!! A couple of towns north of here received 28 inches and flooded so badly that the national guard was called in. People have lost their homes and cars! I feel so fortunate and blessed and am so thankful to Fay for showing mercy on us b/c she wasn't as kind to others!!
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