Saturday, December 5, 2009
Save 10% When You Order An Amy Vickery Holiday Photo Card!
Go to
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Photo Tips For Your 2009 Holiday Photo Card

As the holidays get closer, many of you will be hiring a photographer to take your holiday photo. For those of us who are on a budget, taking the picture ourselves or enlisting a friend is a great way to save money. has enlisted resident photographer Estelle Zaret to give some useful photo taking tips to make your holiday photo a great one!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Holiday Photo Cards

Monday, September 28, 2009's 2009 Exlusive Holiday Line

Check back frequently as we continue to add more designs!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Is Your Glass 1/2 Full or 1/2 Empty?

As you may know from reading earlier posts, my dear friend and colleague who is 4 mnths pregnant was diagnosed with breast cancer. Another dear friend of mine was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and the list goes on! I am 37 years old and feel that I am too young to know so many people with cancer. I was always under the misconception that cancer is what you got when you were older. That not being the case, I felt like I wanted to crawl under a rock until the world righted itself again. Not just because of every time I turned around someone I knew was being diagnosed, but because every time I turn on the news another innocent child is being abducted or goes missing. Because I don't feel safe letting my children play out front without my watchful eye. I wanted to crawl under a rock because we aren't the neighbors we used to be. It seems walking down the street and saying hello to a passerby might be misconstrued as something else!
Has the world spun out of control or just me? Taking a step back I realize that although the world has indeed become more complicated, that it was just me! Life had become blurry and seeing my friend go through mastectomy surgery sent me home with a fresh perspective. I was looking at the world as if my glass was half empty when clearly it IS half full. I am hopeful for a long life and so the other half has yet to come. I have always held the motto of "Energy Follows Thought", but lately have lost sight of that. Now that the fog is beginning to lift, I see the beauty that this complicated world still offers. Simple things really like my daughter making her own fashion creations out of scarves and elastic headbands. My 3 year old son telling his friend that he kissed her because she is a princess. The smell of fresh cut grass or an ocean breeze. Finding out that a friend is an incredibly talented handbag designer who also writes and inspiring blog called Always In Clover. It was after reading her blog that I remember the first time I found my own four leaf clover. I remember how lucky I felt and realize how that luck has followed me through all of these years. I take a step back and look at the world around me and take note of all the crazy chaos around me all the while knowing that being In Clover is looking at the glass half full and not half empty!
To read her inspiring blog go to and to see this talented ladies handbag line go to!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Birth Announcement Contest Winner!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Has A New Look!

Friday, April 24, 2009
Unique Baptism Photo Annoucements
Log on now!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
3 Essentials For The Perfect Baby Shower
Keep the invitation short and simple. Don’t try to communicate too much information. Many people create a website or a blog and direct guests there for more detailed information.
Baby Shower Gifts

When planning a baby shower keep the mom in mind. There are always so many details that go into planning the perfect baby shower, but the most important is the mom’s wants and desires. Remember to have fun planning and creating the perfect shower. Don’t allow the details to take away from the special day. Just plan well, relax and have a good time.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Are You On Facebook?
Check out our current selection of birth announcements, baptism invitations, photo cards, birthday invitations and our newly expanded Baby Shower Boutique at
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Custom Photo Birth Announcements

"Hush Little Baby Don't Say a Word" is excited to announce the arrival of our new collection of custom photo birth annoucements.
Shop now at
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Enter Your Chance To Win Free Birth Announcements

Whether this is your first baby or your second, third, or fourth, there is always advice that someone feels the need to share. We are looking for your answer to this question. Your advice may be funny, absurd, or useful. The best answer wins!
It is 3am and your baby wakes up crying. You realize he/she has pooped and needs a diaper change and you have no more diapers. What do you do?
To Enter:
You must be expecting!
You must reply to this post and in 50 words or less give us your best advice for the above question.
No purchase is necessary, but all entries must be received by May 15th, 2009.
All posts will be read and judged based on what we feel is the most helpful.
One winner will be picked on May 20th, 2009 and notified by email so please provide a valid email address.
Winner may go to to choose the 25 5x7 photo card announcement of their choice.
Gift Bags and Tags

Birth Announcements at

Monday, March 30, 2009
Meet Our New Designer!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

There are many reasons why people choose a custom baptism announcement over a traditional, standard announcement. A custom baptism announcement will enable you to create a memorable event to cherish in baby books for years to come. The announcement is one of those items, you will hang on to commemorate this special day. Here are the benefits of choosing a custom baptism announcement.
PRICE. With the evolution of the internet, prices for custom announcements have been greatly reduced over the last few years. Many people are under the impression that a custom announcement would be more expensive than they really are. Most parents are surprised to see how affordable a custom announcements are.
AVAILABILITY. You can design and purchase your own announcement from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to go store to store, spend money on gas, and have to attempt to keep your sanity by visiting the local mall. The announcements will be delivered right to your door; once you place your order, you have nothing to worry or think about till they arrive (then you have mail them).
VARIETY. Different styles and different layouts you many have never considered will be available for your creative mind to discover and explore. Many parents aren’t 100% sure which style they want, so browsing online helps make that important decision.
EASE. Planning anything, especially a celebration like a baby baptism, can get very hectic and even complex. Using an online store to customize your announcement will take care of many of the details to make your planning more enjoyable and done with ease.
FLEXIBILITY & CONTROL. The number one benefit in decided to make a custom announcement is the flexibility and control it places in your hands. You are the creator, editor and printer (with most of the work done for you). You can make sure you are going to get exactly what you’re looking for in representing your baby’s special event. After creating the invitation online, share it with your spouse and close friends and gain their feedback. After discussing it with a few people, you can always decide to change things around. There’s no pressure to get it right the first time.
Don’t let the details of planning take away from the joy of celebrating your baby’s baptism. Choosing a custom baby baptism announcement is the best choice when it comes to professional style, affordable rates and the convenience of shopping from home.
How to Plan your Baby's Baptism
The first step is to meet with your minister or priest to get an overview and procedures specific to your church. Some churches require the parents to take a class or other suggested activities before the big day. You’ll want to write down a few questions before meeting with your priest to discuss the important details special to you. Some items you’ll want to ask about are: the use of video or photography during the ceremony, seating arrangements for your guests and the expected length of the ceremony.
After these details are discussed, you are now ready to set a date and organize the information you want to include in your baptism invitation. A good rule of thumb is to look for your baptism invitation 4-6 weeks prior to the event. You will need to set aside some time to brainstorm and order your invitations. If you choose to have the baptism ceremony early on, you may have to plan many of these details before the baby is even born.
A big decision that should be considered, with prayer and thought, is who will be the child’s Godparents. This is important because whomever you choose will be given the responsibility to care for your child if something was to happen to you. This person is also expected to spiritually influence and teach the child in the ways of God.
It is within tradition to have your baby baptized in all white. The attire chosen is important because many families will keep it safe for generations to come. Most little girls are dressed in a white gown and boys man times wear white shorts with a white onesie underneath. There is no written rule for this so if you want to change things up a bit, feel free.
One of the last largest details is the reception afterwards. Many people are working with a tight budget so they like to keep it simple. They choose to hold a reception in the church’s hall or large room and serve simple finger foods. Others, who go a bit more extravagant, may invite guests to a restaurant afterwards in celebration. Whichever fits your needs and desires the best, is just fine. Finish the reception off with a small favor that your guests can look at and remember this special day.
Don’t forget to send thank you cards after the event to show your appreciation and love. Make this day as stress free and memorable as possible by pre-planning. Get the details taken care of beforehand and have family members help you on that day. This way you can keep this sacred ceremony holy.
Choosing the Right Birth Annoucement

The first step in choosing the right birth announcement is to decide what kind of style you want. There are a lot of various options available so you’ll want to take your time and browse through different galleries. I recommend going with style that matches the baby’s nursery. This way you carry the theme of his or her life through all aspects. Another way to choose the style is by getting a general vibe of your family personality; are you traditional, modern and trendy or simple.
Next, consider who the birth announcement is going to. If it’s mainly going to your friends you may be able to be a bit more loose and fun in your message. If it’s going to your family and they’re a little older than you may want to stick to a more traditional style. Many families have traditions with announcing a new birth. Make sure you talk with both sides of the family to ensure you don’t offend anyone. You can do whatever you want, but just communicate with those in the family of your intentions.
Lastly, check the price and compare it with your budget. You don’t want to go over budget so this factor is very important. Many people shop without money in mine and that could lead to arguments and disagreements down the road. Before you purchase anything know how much it costs, if there are shipping costs and taxes included. Talk it over with your spouse and then buy them with confidence.
If you are looking for the right birth announcement for you and your baby visit for an array of top of the line birth announcements. is open 24/7 so you can shop anytime from anywhere. They offer varies styles and options for anyone looking to celebrate the coming of their little one.

How to Choose the Perfect Baptism Invitation
Every moment of your child’s life is a treasure. As parents, we want to celebrate their life, their accomplishments and their moments of remembrance. Baptism is one of those events that will be carried on throughout his or her life. It’s one of those moments where family and loved ones pause and remember the miracle God has demonstrated through the little life of your child. The first step in the celebration is choosing the perfect baptism invitation to announce to friends and family, this special moment. When you’re considering which baptism invitation is best for you and your child, follow these simple steps:
1. Sit down with your spouse and create the list of friends and family to be invited. This will give you an accurate count of how many people you will be inviting. Having your spouse with you will provide a check and balance to ensure no one has been forgotten.
2. While you have your spouse with you, create a simple budget. Subtract the estimated cost of the invitations from the budget to assess how much money remains to purchase clothing, food and other expenses for the celebration.
3. Decide on the type of invitation style you want. Talk about colors, textures and other important images you want to be on the invitation. Do you want it to be pink or blue? Or do you want something more modern and trendy? This will help you when you’re browsing through catalogues. Consider how long the invitations will take to be created and delivered (this is an important step many of us forget to factor in).
4. Talk about the type of wording you want. Do you want a formal invitation, an informal or an invitation worded from your baby’s perspective? Again, this will make the selection process more enjoyable.
5. You will want to set an RSVP in a timely manner. Knowing how many people to prepare for, especially if you are having a gathering afterwards, will give you peace of mind. Also, allow two to four weeks for people to clear their calendars (basically, don’t send the invitations a week beforehand).
6. Now you’re ready to shop till you drop. You can now enjoy the fun and excitement of choosing the right baptism invitation for you and your baby.
Choosing the best baptism invitation begins with these simple steps. It is more enjoyable to browse through different styles and catalogues when you already have the groundwork of details pounded out. This is an exciting and memorable event – enjoy!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Choosing the Right Girls Birth Announcement

The best place to start is to look at the nursery you’ve created. What is the main theme? What colors, accents and bedding have you chosen? These elements will help you understand the theme of your little girls first few years. It is important to stay consistent that way your friends and family will never have to play a guessing game when purchasing a gift for your girl. If your theme is butterflies with pink, brown and lavender as your colors, then stick with that color scheme on your girl’s birth announcement.
Take a good look at the bedding you chose for the crib. The bedding will say a lot about your preferences. If you chose bedding that is simple, crisp and elegant than this is the styles you should browse for the birth announcement. If you chose something more trendy, loud and childlike, then incorporate these themes.
Many times it is helpful to have a good friend look through catalogues and shop with you. After looking through hundreds of different girls birth announcements, you may have a skewed perspective. Having an objective opinion will bring great relief during the decision process. Once you’ve narrowed down the various girls birth announcements down to 5-7, have your closest friends and family vote on which one they like the best. You don’t have to go with they one everyone chose, but it will greatly help you narrow it down.
If you’re having a difficult time choosing the announcement that works for you, you can always choose a gender neutral one. There are many available that are simple and not overly flowerily or pink or girly. When all else fails, go simple. Don’t spend too much time grappling over which design fits perfect; remember you need to have fun and enjoy this process.
When you are ready to shop around be sure to visit for the best selection at the best price. offers a wide range of girls birth announcements that will please anyone looking for top of the line announcements.
Choosing the Right Boys Birth Announcement

If you like blue and want to incorporate it into your boys birth announcement, you can add other colors to accent and help the blue stand out. The most popular color combination is baby blue and a deep brown. This combination is very modern and gives a clean and simple feel. Blue has always been associated with calm, cool and peace therefore sending a message of quietness and serenity. The brown will boldly proclaim richness and elegance. If I could recommend two colors together for a boys birth announcement it would be baby blue and a deep brown.
Another color that is popular with baby blue is a light green. Green symbolizes new life and new beginnings so it is very appropriate. These two colors are not as popular outside of the baby world, but take a look at a few examples and you’ll soon discover that they really do work together, especially for a baby. Both shades should be a pastel to give a soft and gentle feel.
If you’re not a fan of blue, you don’t have to use it. Take a look at your baby’s room and study the color schemes you chose for him. This is a great beginning place to determine which colors you want in your announcement. You could always go with a solid background of you choosing and add a splash of color here and there or have a theme that follows the nursery. For example, if animals are the nursery theme, then use animals for your boys birth announcement. When all else fails, keep it simple. You can always use a photograph for your background and don’t have to worry about colors.
If you are looking for the right boys birth announcement for you and your baby visit for an array of top of the line boys birth announcements. is open 24/7 so you can shop anytime from anywhere. They offer varies styles and options for anyone looking to celebrate the coming of their little one.
Choosing the Right Birth Announcement... Part 2

As you gear up for the big day, you’ll want to make sure you have your birth announcements taken care of before you go into labor. This will not only bring peace and rest to your mind but it will also allow you more time to actually think through the different options and decisions regarding the birth announcement. After you have your baby, you’ll be consumed with caring for him or her and won’t have much time to simply sit and think about the announcement. Take time before hand and follow these simple steps when choosing one that is perfect for you.
The first step in choosing the right birth announcement is to decide what kind of style you want. There are a lot of various options available so you’ll want to take your time and browse through different galleries. I recommend going with style that matches the baby’s nursery. This way you carry the theme of his or her life through all aspects. Another way to choose the style is by getting a general vibe of your family personality; are you traditional, modern and trendy or simple.
Next, consider who the birth announcement is going to. If it’s mainly going to your friends you may be able to be a bit more loose and fun in your message. If it’s going to your family and they’re a little older than you may want to stick to a more traditional style. Many families have traditions with announcing a new birth. Make sure you talk with both sides of the family to ensure you don’t offend anyone. You can do whatever you want, but just communicate with those in the family of your intentions.
Lastly, check the price and compare it with your budget. You don’t want to go over budget so this factor is very important. Many people shop without money in mine and that could lead to arguments and disagreements down the road. Before you purchase anything know how much it costs, if there are shipping costs and taxes included. Talk it over with your spouse and then buy them with confidence.
If you are looking for the right birth announcement for you and your baby visit for an array of top of the line birth announcements. is open 24/7 so you can shop anytime from anywhere. They offer varies styles and options for anyone looking to celebrate the coming of their little one.
Choosing Your Baby's Birth Announcement

Let’s start with the most obvious. You want to include the baby’s weight and height at birth, his or her name and the date they were born. Although these items seem obvious, many parents forget to include the baby’s name! I know it sounds far fetched but it happens more than you think.
Sometimes parents choose to not reveal the name of the newborn till a public declaration. Some want to wait to the christening or baptism in order to rejoice with their family, friends and congregants. If you choose to withhold the name of your baby simply say on the invitation, "we have chosen to reveal the name of our new baby when we gather publicly on March 6, 2009, for his christening." This lets your friends and family know to not ask about the name and gives them an explanation why.
Some secondary information that is up for debate is the time and location of the delivery. Include as much specific information as you want because it makes those receiving the baby announcement more apart of the celebration. For those who have chosen to not use a hospital for labor and delivery, don’t feel as if you can’t include the location. Many women are having babies at birthing centers and in their homes. It’s much more common than you may think.
Lastly, they way you refer to your own names should be reflective of you and your spouse. It should also reflect the personality of your family. If you’re more traditional then you should stick with, "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are pleased to announce…" or if you’re a bit more casual you can simply state, "Lindsay and Brian want to introduce to you…"
Have fun choosing and creating your baby announcement. Don’t let the details get to you. If you want to explore some high quality baby announcements you need to check out You will find everything you’re looking for and more at
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
New Stationery Lines Coming to Something About Stationery!